Blossoms scattered under dog-eared shoes,
Dried smiles never fade
Like shadows of death upon the stones,
A chill through the bones, a kiss, a wish.
Dried smiles never fade
Like shadows of death upon the stones,
A chill through the bones, a kiss, a wish.
Empty handed and empty eyed,
No more than a skull reflected
On a pool of too bright a radiance,
Space inside a blank page,
Time is writing.
Empty handed and empty eyed,
No more than a skull reflected
On a pool of too bright a radiance,
Space inside a blank page,
Time is writing.
4 comentaris:
Hauré d'agafar el diccionari d'anglés i tornar al teu post amb més calma. Tampoc no sé ben bé com mirar la imatge :)(sempre cerques unes imatges genials).
Time is writing
Hope you'll write a lot through out your vacation.
Wishes and kisses
Magnific...aquestes paraules podrien perfectament estar parlant de tota la bellesa que m'envolta en aquests moments.
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