Una història trista llegida pel Tom Waits. L'original és de Georg Büchner i vindria a ser una espècie de conte per explicar a un nen petit abans d'anar a dormir (si volem assegurar-li una nit plena de malsons i un trauma infantil que li perduri al llarg de la vida i que li impedexi mirar mai el cel de nit)
Once upon a time there was a poor child,
with no father and no mother
And everything was dead
And no one was left in the whole world
Everything was dead
And the child went on search, day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth,
he wanted to go up into the heavens
And the moon was looking at him so friendly
And when he finally got to the moon,
the moon was a piece of rotten wood
And then he went to the sun
And when he got there, the sun was a wilted sunflower
And when he got to the stars, they were little golden flies.
Stuck up there, like the shrike sticks 'em on a blackthorn
And when he wanted to go back, down to earth,
the earth was an overturned piss pot
And he was all alone, and he sat down and he cried
And he is there till this day
All alone...
Okay, there's your story!
Once upon a time there was a poor child,
with no father and no mother
And everything was dead
And no one was left in the whole world
Everything was dead
And the child went on search, day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth,
he wanted to go up into the heavens
And the moon was looking at him so friendly
And when he finally got to the moon,
the moon was a piece of rotten wood
And then he went to the sun
And when he got there, the sun was a wilted sunflower
And when he got to the stars, they were little golden flies.
Stuck up there, like the shrike sticks 'em on a blackthorn
And when he wanted to go back, down to earth,
the earth was an overturned piss pot
And he was all alone, and he sat down and he cried
And he is there till this day
All alone...
Okay, there's your story!
5 comentaris:
Esto me recuerda a una cuento infantil (segun Abacus) que me leí y me encanto... y al final me lo compre... Greta la Loca... Sentía cierta afinidad x la niñita! :P Leetelo Poeta!! O ya te lo prestaré!
Bon dia Wadyet,
Jo també voldria recomanar-te'n un: Coraline, del Neil Gaiman. I si no has llegit els Sandman, no els deixis escapar...
Sovint els contes infantils porten una terror a dins que caldria pensar molt abans de classificar-los com a tals. Ara que, d'altra banda, així es va preparant l'inconscient de la persona pel que ha de venir.
Greta la loca,.... mmmm!!
Meravellós món el de les nanes, i com no, el Poeta havia de ser el qui desenterrés aquest art literari...
tens raó, Poeta, que tots els contes infantils porten una moralitat evident, literal, però que molts amaguen un discurs subliminal traumàtic...Roal Dahl es considerat un dels mestres en aquest art i té uns contes que t'hi cagues...
Al tanto amb els comics de la Wadyet, són pitjors que els quins trafico amb tu;P
Aquest conte es de Georg Büchner, i és genial!
Em recorda a "lullaby", una genial balada de Tom Waits que diu així...
Sun is red; moon is cracked
Daddy's never coming back
Nothing's ever yours to keep
Close your eyes, go to sleep
If I die before you wake
Don't you cry don't you weep
Nothing's ever as it seems
Climb the ladder to your dreams
If I die before you wake
Don't you cry; don't you weep
Nothing's ever yours to keep
close your eyes; go to sleep
Gràcies Eduart_tatum.... la discografia del Tom Waits, de principi a fi, té tantes jòies que ni que ens hi posséssim ara full time, el dia del judici final encara estaríem a mig camí. I el que ens portarà en un futur...
Salut company!!
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